“010 清晨歌 MORNING HYMN.mp3” by DOW YOUNG. Genre: Other.
清早起來看, 紅日出東方
雄壯像勇士, 美好像新郎
天高飛鳥過, 地闊野花香
照我勤工作, 天父有恩光
懇求聖天父, 將我妥保存
行為能良善, 顏色會和溫
虛心教小輩, 克己敬年尊
常常勤服務, 表明天父恩
但願今天好, 時刻靠耶穌
頭上青天在, 心中惡念無
樂得布衣暖, 不嫌麥飯粗
干千萬萬事, 樣樣主幫扶
10 Morning Hymn
1. Early Morning Sun light’s the eastern sky. Fresh the Morning dew, Heaven’s peace is nigh. Flowers awake from slumber, birds begin to fly. May my work this day, Lord, thee glorify.
2. Heavenly Father God, keep me safe this day. With all humility teach little ones thy way. Self control respect, God’s dear laws obey. In my actions gentleness, thy grace to display.
3. Give me strength today, my feeble faith augment. Keep me in thy way, all evil thoughts prevent. Food and clothes thou provide, let me be content. Glory, honor, ne to thee, Lord God omnipotent.