God the Father 父神創造之恩 | God's Hand in Nature 神的手創造自然 | 1-6 |
| God's Love 恩恵慈愛 | 7-26 |
| Bible -Word of God 聖經、話語 | 27-30 |
| God's Grace & Comfort 救恩、安慰 | 31-53 |
| Assurance 確據 | 54-78 |
| Refuge 避難所 | 79-82 |
| Everlasting Life 天家、永生 | 83-91 |
Holy Spirit 聖𩆜 | | 92-105 |
Jesus Christ 主耶穌 | Christmas (including Advent and Epiphany) 降生 | 106-140 |
| Life & Ministry 生平工作 | 141-144 |
| Character 性格 | 145-153 |
| His Name 聖名 | 154-162 |
| Friend 良友 | 163-167 |
| Lordship 尊榮 | 168-176 |
| Atonement, Crucifixion, Blood, Cross 受難、捨身、寶血、十架 | 177-206 |
| Easter 復活 | 207-215 |
| Second Coming 再臨 | 216-224 |
Worship & Adoration 頌讚崇拜 | | 225-267 |
Thanksgiving 感恩 | | 268-278 |
Aspiration, Prayer, Dedication 心志、禱告、奉獻 | | 279-354 |
Inner Peace 平安喜樂 | | 355-364 |
Fellowship 聖徒交通 | | 365-371 |
Closing Hymns 聚會結束 | | 372-376 |
Church, Family, Marriage 教會、家庭、婚姻 | | 377-388 |
Communion 聖餐 | | 389-392 |
Fellowship with God 與神交通 | | 393-399 |
Guidance 引導看顧 | | 400-406 |
Loyalty & Courage 忠心事奉 | | 407-435 |
Service, Witness & Evangelism, Missions 見証、佈道、宣教 | | 436-487 |
Closing & Amens 祝禱、阿們 | | 488-495 |
Contemporary Worship Songs 現代祟拜短詩 | | 496-527 |